Can artificial succulents and flowers be used outdoors?
Artificial arrangements tend to fade in direct sunlight but are best for covered patios. Living cacti and succulents are perfect for uncovered outdoor spaces.

I am bad at keeping things alive; how do I take care of living succulents?
Living succulent arrangements like the soil to be moistened once a month and require good lighting. If brown leaves develop, gently twist or pull them off.

Can I use my own pot? Do you have any pots to choose from?
Absolutely! For Custom Orders, we encourage people to use their own pots and containers, but we also have a large variety of different pots you can choose from. Simply check off "I have a container" when you fill out the Custom Order Form. For Curated Products, these designs come as shown.

What products are best for shipping?
Artificial succulents and "real touch" floral arrangements ship very well. Sometimes after unwrapping, you will want to give your arrangement a light fluffing to keep it looking fresh and full. Arrangements with living succulents or orchids are not great candidates for being shipped.
More questions?
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